Tag: Piker Press


Why her picture was misunderstood Word count 1137 An attractive man knocked on the door at 8AM and I invited him in.  He was dressed as a successful business man.  The visitor said “Hi, I’m Fred Winkins.” I responded “No, you’re not.  You are Jay … Continue reading Seer


Word count 636                                                      “Our next category is special effects.  Judy, can you hand me the envelope?” “Here you go Grant.” “And the winner is Black Magic Studios for “From Heaven To Hell”.  Here to accept for them is their president and owner Beal Scratch.” … Continue reading Oscar


Apocalypse then    Word count 5835                                             Ray detection The outer space probe Arrow detected an increase in cosmic rays traveling towards earth beyond the orbit of Pluto.  The intensity of the rays increased by a factor of ten and then Arrow became silent.  NASA made … Continue reading Asteroid